Your Health is an Investment

Supplements &

When it comes to the health and the health of your children and your family I am committed to helping you to better nutrition! Deciding what you put into your body and what to keep out is one of the most important decisions of your life everyday. I personally have done my research and I choose Neolife Supplements. 

We all need a solution to bridge the gap between what we eat and our diets and what our bodies are lacking. I have been using Neolife for over 21 years for my family. We also make use of their toxic free household range as well as the organic skin range. 

Neolife is a world wide nutrition company that started more than 62 years ago and consist of whole food nutrition supplements. Our whole food nutrition range feeds your bodies at a cellular level with whole food, organic, Non GMO based food. By providing your body with the correct nutrients at a cellular level you will positively improve your health.

By feeding your body healthy fats, caroteniods, flavonoids and Omega-3’s that your body requires, you will decrease the likelihood of acquiring diabetes, cancer and other diseases.

Neolife strives for purity, potency and integrity and after being tested by the most prestigious institutions such as USDA, Texas A&M, Stanford University and the The New England journal, Neolife was proven to be at the forefront of the health and wellness industry.

Please feel free to contact me with regards to tailor package the supplementation according to your specific needs. The website is full of information about each product.


Our Favorite Immune Boosting Vitamins

The increasing presence of toxic chemicals in our environment increases the risk of chronic disease. NeoLife’s Beta Guard offers nutritional protection. Its synergistic blend of antioxidant and detoxifying nutrients helps the
body neutralise and metabolise toxic materials.

Vitamin C is the body’s main water soluble antioxidant for the maintenance of good health and contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Besides its own powerful antioxidant role, it is an integral part of the body’s antioxidant defense team and contributes to the regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E, the body’s main fat soluble vitamin. As vitamin C is water soluble it can’t be stored in the body for long – it must be replenished every day. As important as this “protector” nutrient is, a large percentage of us don’t consume the recommended dietary allowance each day. NeoLife provides two excellent choices to address this gap: Vitamin C Sustained Release over six hours or more and delicious All-C for a chewable option. Our products feature high potency, high-purity
vitamin C plus vitamin C related factors from whole citrus fruits. All NeoLife vitamin C products include our exclusive
Neo-Plex Concentrate – virtually everything from whole oranges but the water – for better absorption and utilisation.

Numerous studies link carotenoids – yellow, orange, red and green pigments in fruits and vegetables – to reduced risks of aggressive and threatening challenges to the body, an enhanced immune system and tissue protection.
Fruit and vegetables are the best sources of carotenoids,
but most people do not eat the 5-13 daily servings recommended for optimal well-being.

Cruciferous vegetables – the family that includes broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and collard greens – contain special phytonutrients which are not found in any other foods and which may not only protect cells but increase the cells’ ability to protect themselves. Cancer Institutes and Health Organisations throughout the world recommend eating one serving of cruciferous vegetables every day, but most of us only eat one serving a week. Each Cruciferous Plus tablet provides the phytonutrient value
of an optimal serving of a wide variety of cruciferous

The quality of what is often referred to as the Western diet, has dramatically declined in recent years. It is likely that we are no longer getting the right balance of macronutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrate), micronutrients
(vitamins and minerals), nor the fibre, phytonutrients and antioxidants our bodies need everyday to maintain and promote health. For example, although we are getting more than enough protein in our diets, we are getting it from animal and dairy products which are laden with fat and cholesterol. Studies have shown that poor diet is strongly associated with poor health. Along with a sedentary lifestyle, this may have played a role in leading to the high incidence of malnutrition, weight gain and chronic diseases. Our Neo Life shake contains all 22 amino acids which is a vital requirement.

Zinc is needed in over 100 enzymes and involved in a myriad of essential body functions. Because the best food sources of zinc are meat and seafood, vegetarian or low-meat diets may provide less than the 11 mg of zinc required daily for optimal well-being. NeoLife provides high-purity and potency zinc plus amino acid chelation for improved absorption.

Used worldwide in beverages and traditional remedies, the soothing Aloe Vera plant has been enjoyed – both topically and internally – for about 4000 years to support health, stamina and vitality. As the name implies, Aloe Vera Plus goes beyond providing only the benefits of Aloe Vera by including the herbal benefits of nature’s energizer, ginseng as well as chamomile to calm and relax. The effects of herbs and aloe tended to be a mystery of nature, but research is beginning to validate many traditional uses of this succulent plant as well as herbal extracts. This combination in Aloe Vera Plus is a delicious and refreshing way to revitalise you so that you can best meet the mental and physical challenges of your day

'being healthy is a success that many people forget to celebrate'

- our mindfull


Strand, Western Cape, South Africa

+27 83 285 9872